Fuel Price Widgets

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Choose from a number of different styles to find the perfect embeddable fuel price widget for your website.

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WordPress Plugin

Embed fuel price Widgets within your WordPress site by installing our free FuelPrice Australia Plugin for WordPress.

Fuel price widgets

Not running WordPress on your website? No problem. Choose from a number of different styles to find the perfect embeddable widget for your website.

Cities widgets

Small Embed

A simple embed showing only the current average retail price and current trending icon. You can customise the city, fuel type, height and width.

Total embed views: [fuel_widget_views post_name=”small”]

Graph Bar Embed

Displays a line chart with daily average retail price details. You can customise the city, fuel type, title, subtitle, height and width.

Total embed views: [fuel_widget_views post_name=”graph”]

Table Embed

A simple table including the cheapest fuel stations in a town/city. You can customise the city, fuel type, layout, height and width.

Total embed views: [fuel_widget_views post_name=”table”]

Cities Embed

A simple list showing the current average retail price for each Capital city. The current city is highlighted and displayed first. You can customise the featured city, fuel type, title, subtitle, height and width.

Total embed views: [fuel_widget_views post_name=”cities”]

Spread Embed

A simple embed showing the current average retail price as well as current retail price spread between the cheapest and most expensive fuel stations in a town/city. You can customise the city, fuel type, height and width.

Total embed views: [fuel_widget_views post_name=”spread”]

Default Embed: Coming soon

A simple embed showing the current average retail price, current trending icon and fuel excerpt. You can customise the city, fuel type, title, height and width.

Total embed views: [fuel_widget_views post_name=”default”]

Small Detailed Embed: Coming soon

A simple embed showing the current average retail price, current trending icon and fuel excerpt. You can customise the city, fuel type, height and width.

Total embed views: [fuel_widget_views post_name=”small-detailed”]

Map Embed: Coming soon

A simple map showing the cheapest or most expensive fuel stations in a region. You can customise the city, fuel type, number of stations, height and width.

Station widgets

Station Prices Embed: Coming Soon

A simple bar showing current retail prices for available fuel types. You can customise the station, height and width.

Total embed views: [fuel_widget_views post_name=”station-prices”]

Widget suggestions

Looking for a Widget type or layout that’s not listed above? Hit the feedback button below to drop a comment and we’ll get it added. 🙂

FuelPrice Australia