Current fuel pricing at Seabreeze Servo & Takeaway
ULP 91
170.91 day agoPULP 95
181.91 day agoDiesel
172.91 day ago
Seabreeze Servo & Takeaway is selling ULP 91 at 170.9, PULP 95 at 181.9 and Diesel at 172.9 cents per litre. These prices were last refreshed 26 minutes ago.
Last price change:
Historical pricing at Seabreeze Servo & Takeaway
Fuel price movement last month: 168.9 to 173.9
We are actively working towards displaying near real-time fuel pricing for this and other QLD fuel stations. In the interim price changes refresh every 15 minutes.
About Seabreeze Servo & Takeaway
- Address:
150-152 Scenic Highway
4703 QLD - Brand:
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Last price change: 1 day ago
Monitoring since: December 3, 2018